Thursday, September 6, 2012

Adventures in Family Home Evening...

Family Home Evening...or Noche de Hogar, as we call it in our very bilingual home :), has been something that we have had to learn and adjust to doing since entering the world of wedded bliss. Abraham and I were both baptized into the church when we were 18, therefore we have no idea what Family Home Evening looks like in real life. We know how its SUPPOSED to look, and have a somewhat unrealistic idea of what it is...but FHE on a weekly basis, with all its imperfections and variations? No clue. I am so grateful that in Relief Society we talked about what kind of things can go on during FHE and we made these super cute things to put FHE "assignments" on....

This has actually really helped us to REMEMBER to have FHE on monday, because we are so busy and usually after work and school is over all we want to do is lay in bed and watch Cake Boss. We have talked several times about how important it is that we get this routine down BEFORE we have kids, so that we can be ready when that time comes and all you-know-what breaks lose haha (think about how crazy our kids will be...THAT is why we are starting to prepare now). Even though we don't have any kids yet, and who knows when we will feel prompted to attempt parenthood, so don't ask if we are pregnant, it has been a huge blessing to set aside time every week to put our focus on what is most important. Sometimes FHE seems to be the ONLY time where we gets to focus on our companionship and our goals, etc.

This week we had a GREAT lesson, conducted by my wonderful husband, on being "one". He started it out with a goooood 'ol companionship inventory, just like we had to do as missionaries once upon a time. We started by talking about what habits each of us has that just bug the heck out of the other one, or what things we think need to improve on in our marriage. Thank goodness we ended it with the positives: what things we just love about each other and what things we are doing right in our marriage. If you don't do this with your spouse I highly suggest it. We have done it a few times, and it has been a huge blessing to our relationship.

He ended the lesson quoting a talk by Elder Holland called "Standing Together for the Cause of Christ". In the article Elder Holland talks about the unity between the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and says that they are, "one in spirit, one in strength, one in purpose, one in voice, one in glory, one in will, one in goodness, and one in grace." I wasn't quite sure where Abe was going with this until he said, "We should be this united." Wow. I had never thought that before, that the unity between husband and wife should be similar to the unity that exists within the Godhead. That quote hasn't left my thoughts since this monday, and I have been constantly pondering how we can be that united. Time will certainly be a huge factor, because we are no where near that kind of unity, but the important thing is that we have a goal and we are working towards it. 

Gosh, my husband is amazing. What a great lesson. Our family nights are getting better and better every week. BUT if you have any ideas on what we can do for FHE as a newlywed childless couple, PLEASE let me know :) We our open to suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I just love this. You guys are great and I'm sad I still haven't met your husband! You cracked me up when you said "attempt parenthood"...mostly because I feel like that is exactly what I'm about to do! Hahaha HOLY SCHMOLY! And I love that quote and want to read it with Tim now. Good job on FHE guys :)
