Thursday, May 3, 2012

Adjusting to Wifehood

Everytime I start blogging again it is because of one person: Katie Devey. This time she claims to be having dreams about my blogs being updated. Well Katie, this one's for you ;)

The transition to wifehood is something I would compare to the transition of becoming a missionary. The weeks prior to my mission I was so excited, yet nervous at the same time, knowing that my mission would be the greatest thing I would ever do, yet having absolutely no idea why or what it would entail. Marriage was something I knew I wanted to do, yet I had no idea what it would entail, what challenges we would face or how much joy I could possibly experience in one single moment. I know that marriage is a mission, that is will require sacrifice, hard work, prayer, repentance, and will be the hardest most rewarding thing I ever experience, just like my mission.

Anyways, let me introduce you to my super-guapo husband
Yep, he is a total dork and I love him for it. 

His name is Abraham.
He is 21 years old and fresh off of his mission in Las Vegas, Nevada.
He was born in Oaxaca, Mexico.
He works at a company that makes super-fancy sinks and is the sink waxer/baker (I don't really like the fact that he comes home with burns on his arms but its whatevs. It's a temporary job).
He wants to attend the LDS Business College next spring to study in their medical program.
He loves Mexican food. And hates American food. "Sandwich? That's not food! That's like....a snack!"

Hence, a perfect introduction to my biggest adjustment as an esposa. I cannot cook without recipes. Mexican recipes. Thank goodness for my amazing mother in law who doesn't tease me when I call and ask, "Mom, how do you make rice?" Yep, that happened. I will admit, I never cooked while I was single, not even as a missionary, but I can bake like nobody's business. So, with help from the mom in law and from my husband, I have been learning the basics of Mexican cuisine. This week I learned how to make pico de gallo, salsa verde, enchiladas, and tinga. I would say they all turned out successful...but I am an American attempted authentic Mexican who knows haha.

Please pray for me, my kitchen, and my husband's stomach lining, that will cease to exist if I "keep putting so much chile in our dinner"

Love, Madison


  1. i would be intimidated to make mexican food for a native! that picture looks yummy i say you are succeeding.

  2. YAY!!!!! Oh man now I feel all happy and giggly inside. And honored. Hahaha. I loved this whole post. I loved that Abraham thinks sandwiches are just a snack. And that you had to call your mom-in-law in order to make rice! Hahaha. And that you made bomb Mexican food! Woot! Now I just need to meet your new hubby sometime.

  3. yay!!! I'm so excited! Keep them coming Maddi!

  4. you are so funny! Loved reading your post! Congrats on your marriage and I'll be checking up on your blog posts ;) Keep on cooking! You'll learn and the important thing is your trying!! Keep it up!! :O) ha ha hope you remember who I am :O)

  5. Pues para preparar comida mexicana y sin recetas estas empezando muy bien...felicidades!!!! Y no olvides que él sabe cocinar y debes dejarlo ahi de vez en cuando :-)
